A glimpse at my training.
Holistic Nutrition Certification - 2009
Colon Hydrotherapy Certification - 2014
Colon Hydrotherapy Board Certification - 2021
Women's Hormone Health Certification - 2022
Doula Training - 2023
A bit more about me.
It has been a combination of personal and familial experience with illness and healing that has motivated my education. I have always had a keen interest in the human body and establishing and preserving a healthy lifestyle. I have more than 15 years experience in the natural medicine field . In 2009, I received my training and certification as a holistic nutritionist (Canadian School For Natural Nutrition) and started working in a state of the art naturopathic clinic (The Center for Biological Medicine) that focused on biological medicine. The concept of understanding the terrain of the body to know how to treat an individual has molded the way I see wellness. As the clinic expanded and evolved I was given the role as clinic manager and patient care coordinator. Working with the patients on a more personal level brought me the greatest joy. In this role it was my responsibility to understand each patient's health status, their treatment plans and monitor their progress. It was an incredible education learning why certain therapies were used for specific illnesses, how to prioritize the order of treatment, and when to alter the plan for the individual needs of each patient. Detoxification was a clear common need for the vast majority of the patients and it became evident that the clinic needed to offer some form of therapy to help. That is what ultimately moved me to get trained and internationally certified as a colon hydrotherapist. (I-ACT certified training and national board credentialed) Years of experience has convinced me that good digestion, elimination and detoxification are the keys to maintain optimal health.
In more recent years, the desire to help other women manage hormonal issues much like my own moved me to complete my certification in women's hormone health (Institute for Menstrual Health). I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in my late teens. As is still the case, the only form of treatment offered to me by my GP was to go on the birth control pill, I declined and instead starting working with a Naturopathic doctor. Within a relatively short time I was able to regulate my cycle and have maintained that for decades. It has been a long process learning about how to eat, supplement and live to establish the healthiest hormone balance. and improved quality of life. Encouraging women to discuss and understand their menstrual health and hormone ebb and flow is something I am passionate about.
I am an aunt to 6 nieces and 2 nephews. I had the life-changing privilege of being present for 4 of their births. One of those births was with an OBGYN and the other 3 were with midwives. Being there for my sisters while they went through this most incredible time motivated me to get my official training as a doula (Wise Woman Way of Birth certification).
I love to learn and I love to see each person as an individual with many layers to their health. I would love to work together with you to help you learn more about your personal health and help you accomplish your wellness goals.